V0: 2020-09-16 10:13 648557,2226 1913742,7



TIP Type: Informational





The aim of this TIP is explain Mandatories Directories, Common Directories, and Customized Directories


Mandatory Directories are the directories you must run in order to follow the TSN Protocol.

You must have the >your_blockchain Directory, Accounts Directory, and at least one other directory

(to produce TSN References under).



Common Directories are directories which administer their own set of agreed upon rules for those who run them

existing as a layers above the Base TSN Protocol layer. For example Dimes, Audio, Git Truth, or Mining.

These rules can range from laxed to stringent depepnding upon the importance of the Common Directory.



Customized Directories are niche directories which can be created by anyone and need not require anyone else's

permission/agreement regarding how they should be run, so long as they follow the Base TSN Protocol layer rules

of course.